Flights from Newark to Rome available from

Fly in the next three months: flights from Newark to Rome


Newark (EWR)to

Rome (FCO)
Jun 12 2024 - Jun 18 2024
USD 808*
Round trip

Newark (EWR)to

Rome (FCO)
Jun 23 2024 - Jul 04 2024
USD 808*
Round trip

Newark (EWR)to

Rome (FCO)
May 09 2024 - May 19 2024
USD 1,211*
Round trip

Newark (EWR)to

Rome (FCO)
May 09 2024 - May 18 2024
USD 1,259*
Round trip

Newark (EWR)to

Rome (FCO)
May 09 2024 - May 21 2024
USD 1,364*
Round trip

Newark (EWR)to

Rome (FCO)
Jun 14 2024 - Jun 23 2024
USD 2,057*
Round trip

*Fares displayed have been collected within the last 72hrs and may no longer be available at the time of booking

Blue image with a map of Iceland and text that reads: Include a little more of Iceland in your journey. Add a Stopover

Plan ahead for your trip from Newark to Rome with Icelandair

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*Fares displayed have been collected within the last 72hrs and may no longer be available at the time of booking

Flights from Newark to Rome

For competitive airfares and an unparalleled flying experience, choose Icelandair to fly from Newark (EWR) to Rome (FCO).

Icelandair provides hundreds of hours of movies and music in the in-flight entertainment system, Wi-Fi access on most flights, and a USB power port at every seat to charge up your laptop or smartphone.

On your journey from Newark to Rome, you’ll enjoy an easy transit at our Keflavík hub and one of the shortest flight times between North America and Europe.

FAQs about travel from Newark to Rome

Helpful information for travelers visiting Rome

What is the average Newark to Rome flight time?

The average flight time from Newark (EWR) to Rome Fiumicino Airport (FCO) is around 8 hours and 15 minutes non-stop.

However, passengers flying from Newark to Rome with Icelandair will first change at Keflavík Airport. You can also choose to add a Stopover in Iceland for up to 7 days.

When is the best time to fly from Newark to Rome?

The best time to fly from EWR to Rome depends on your desired itinerary and budget.

A trip to Rome during spring or early fall offers fewer crowds and better flight deals, while the weather remains pleasant enough for exploring Rome in all its glory.

Discover the iconic Fontana di Trevi, the ancient Roman Colosseum and of course, Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel.

How can I find cheap flights from Newark to Rome?

To find the best airfare from Newark to Rome, Italy, we recommend booking your trip in advance and checking our flight deals often.

Being flexible on when you fly can also help you secure a competitive price on your flights and accommodation.

Does Icelandair offer direct flights from Newark to Rome, Italy?

Newark to Rome flights with Icelandair connect at Keflavík Airport, and from there you will fly directly to Rome.

The flight duration from KEF to FCO is around 4 hours and 30 minutes.

You can also book flights to Rome from several other US airports, including New York (JFK).