Flights from New York to Geneva available from

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*Fares displayed have been collected within the last 72hrs and may no longer be available at the time of booking

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Plan ahead for your trip from New York to Geneva with Icelandair

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*Fares displayed have been collected within the last 72hrs and may no longer be available at the time of booking

Flights from New York to Geneva, Switzerland

Wave goodbye to the Big Apple and hello to a luxury lakeside life with our regular NYC to Geneva flights.

With Icelandair, getting to the Swiss city is quicker than you might think, with some of the fastest flight times across the Atlantic. Your luxury trip begins onboard, with in-flight entertainment and cozy blankets and pillows to help you relax and unwind in the clouds.


FAQs about travel from New York to Geneva

Helpful information for travelers visiting Geneva

What is the average duration of NYC to Geneva flights?

Direct flights from NYC to Geneva, Switzerland, generally take around 7 hours, 45 minutes. Flights with one or multiple stopovers will take longer and the total travel time will depend on how long the waiting time is at each stop.

All Icelandair passengers traveling on NYC to GVA flights will have a transfer at our Keflavík hub in Iceland before heading on to Switzerland. You can choose to extend your stopover in Iceland for up to 7 days with no additional airfare.

Which airport in New York do I fly to Geneva from?

Icelandair flights to Geneva from New York fly out of John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK) and arrive into Geneva International Airport (GVA).

How can I find cheap flights from New York to Geneva?

Geneva’s off-season tends to be between September and November, so flying during these months can help you find cheaper airfare. You can also check out our flight deals to see the most up-to-date offers on all our routes.

When is the best time to go to Geneva?

The best time to visit Geneva will vary depending on the kind of trip you’d like to have. Over the summer period, there’s a variety of festivals and outdoor activities, but it’s also the busiest time for tourists, so accommodation may be more expensive.

By fall, the crowds thin out a little but the temperature remains quite warm, so you can still enjoy hikes and city tours.