Pingdom Check

Delayed flights

Is your flight delayed?

Right to refund

If your Icelandair flight has been delayed by five hours or more, and you do not wish to re-schedule your travel, you can cancel your booking and request a refund for any unused flight segments in your ticket.

Right to care

If your flight has been subject to severe delay, you are entitled to care provided by Icelandair in reasonable relation to your waiting time. This care consists of meals and/or drinks as well as two phone calls. You are entitled to care once your flight has been a subject to a delay of:

  • Two hours or more on flights of 1500 km or less
  • Three hours or more on EU flights between 1500 and 3500 km long
  • Four hours or more for all other flights

Please contact Icelandair agents located on-site to receive your meal vouchers. Sometimes it might not be possible for us to issue vouchers due to the number of passengers being affected by flight disruptions simultaneously. In such cases, we kindly ask that you retain any itemized receipts for costs incurred and submit them for reimbursement (choose "Delay/Cancellation Assistance"). Icelandair will reimburse a reasonable amount, in relation to waiting time.


If your flight is delayed overnight, and you are unable to return home, you are entitled to accommodation. Please contact agents on-site at the airport for hotel vouchers.

Sometimes it might not be possible for us to issue hotel vouchers, due to the number of passengers being affected by flight disruptions simultaneously. In such cases, we kindly ask that you retain any itemized receipts for costs incurred and submit them for reimbursement (choose "Delay/Cancellation Assistance"). Icelandair will reimburse a reasonable price for a double hotel room.

You are also entitled to transportation between the airport and the place of accommodation. If we are unable to provide you with a transportation voucher, please retain all itemized receipts and submit them for reimbursement (choose "Delay/Cancellation Assistance"). Icelandair considers reasonable transportation cost to include a train ticket, a trip with an airport shuttle and/or fuel costs.

Right to compensation

If your flight has been delayed by three hours or more, you may be entitled to compensation. The compensation amount varies depending on the length of your journey and, when applicable, the length of the delay.

If you believe that you can raise a justified claim against Icelandair based on the aforementioned conditions, please refer to Icelandair‘s claim form.

A list of the relevant authorities responsible for ensuring the legal rights of passengers can be found under