Pingdom Check

Voluntary flight changes in exchange for a Travel Credit Voucher

1. General

a. The voluntary flight change in exchange for a Travel Credit Voucher service offers Icelandair passengers the possibility to receive flight reservation modification offers via email. The process allows Icelandair passengers to modify their confirmed flight reservation in return for a Travel Credit Voucher, which can later be used for Icelandair services and products as per Icelandair Travel Credit Voucher terms and conditions.

b. Notwithstanding anything stated anywhere, Icelandair’s liability for claims will not exceed the amount of the total value of the Travel Credit Voucher(s).

c. The process of voluntary flight changes in exchange for a Travel Credit Voucher is subject to force majeure conditions.

2. Eligibility for offer and offer delivery

2.1 Eligibility for offer

a. Eligibility of flight reservations to partake in the Travel Credit Voucher offer is determined by Icelandair.

b. Icelandair reserves the right to not disclose the criteria for eligibility.

c. Icelandair reserves the right to not disclose by which criteria a certain reservation is eligible or non-eligible for the Travel Credit Voucher offer.

d. Eligibility cannot be requested.

e. Icelandair reserves the right to add, remove or modify selection criteria at any time.

f. Icelandair reserves the right to withdraw or alter the offer eligibility for a flight reservation prior to a successful approval of the offer.

2.2 Offer delivery

a. The offer to modify the flight reservation will be sent to the email address associated with the reservation. If no such email is present, the email associated with the primary passenger will be used. If no such email is present, the offer email will be sent to the first available email associated with a passenger in the flight reservation.

b. Icelandair reserves the right to change the process outlined in 2.2 a) at any time

c. Icelandair may use other ways of contacting the passenger, should it be deemed necessary for service delivery.

d. The email receiver can unsubscribe at any point from receiving offers for voluntary flight changes in exchange for a Travel Credit Voucher via the link located in the offer email.

3. Approving offer

a. The offer email will outline the flight reservation modification options and the monetary amount for each Travel Credit Voucher the traveling party will receive, should they successfully modify their flight reservation.

b. Upon approving, the user will be offered a flight or a selection of flights to choose between. The user selects one of these options to alter their original flight itinerary accordingly.

  • I. Icelandair reserves the right to alter the flight or selection of flights at any time prior to a successful approval of the offer.
  • II. Icelandair reserves the right to alter the monetary amount or terms and conditions of the Travel Credit Voucher at any time prior to a successful approval of the offer.

c. To approve the offer, the user is required to click the link located in the email. The offer cannot be approved by other means, including but not limited to contacting the service center.

  • I. Icelandair cannot guarantee availability of the offer upon opening the email and attempting to accept the offer.

d. By accepting the offer within the time limit outlined in the offer email and successfully submitting the request to modify the flight reservation, the user approves for Icelandair to take immediate action and modify their flight reservation as outlined in the offer.

e. By approving the offer, the user is aware that this will modify flight reservations for all passengers in a flight reservation with multiple passengers. In such scenarios, the user is deemed to have agreed such actions with all passengers in the flight reservation, have their consent, and be authorized by the traveling party to accept the offer on behalf of the traveling party. In such scenarios, the approval is deemed to be binding for the whole traveling party. Icelandair should not be held responsible should a flight reservation be approved by a user for a traveling party without consent of the traveling party. In such scenarios, Icelandair has the right to not cancel or modify an already accepted offer.

f. Terms and conditions and details of the Travel Credit Voucher will be available for the user for review in both the offer email and flight selection page.

g. Icelandair considers the user to have familiarized and accepted the terms and conditions of the Travel Credit Voucher upon approving the offer. In cases where the flight reservation includes multiple passengers, Icelandair considers that the user who is approving the offer will communicate the terms and conditions for the traveling party. Icelandair considers every passenger in the traveling party to be bound by the additional terms and conditions of the Travel Credit Voucher.

h. Icelandair considers the email address in the flight reservation to be correct. Icelandair cannot be held liable in any situation or loss arising from an incorrect email address being present in the flight reservation. Such situations include, but are not limited to, not receiving the Travel Credit Voucher, unexpected flight reservation modification due to misuse, or monetary loss resulting from misuse.

i. By approving the flight reservation modification, the traveling party waives all rights for any claims against the original flight in the flight reservation

4. Flight reservation modification

a. The flight reservation modification will be applied to all passengers in the flight reservation booking

b. No change fees or fare differences will be applied for the flight reservation modification. Neither Icelandair nor the traveling party has the right to claim any differential monetary amount, neither positive nor negative residual value, to be payable to the other party.

c. Icelandair is not liable for any additional costs affecting the traveling party after a flight change has been approved by the traveling party. These costs include, but are not limited to, hotel or car rental expenses.

d. The flight reservation modification will only be applied to the flight segment(s) outlined in the offer email. Any other flight segments will remain unchanged.

e. Any additional services associated with the flight segment that is modified, including but not limited to excess baggage or meals, but excluding free and chargeable seat requests, will be added to the new flight segment(s) after voluntary flight reservation modification. Any additional service will follow its respective terms and conditions.

f. The original terms and conditions of the fare will apply to the changed flight segments.

g. The new flight reservation is subject to Icelandair’s general conditions of carriage.

5. Confirmation

a. The traveling party will receive the Travel Credit Voucher(s) to the same email address that was used to approve the flight reservation modification, after the flight reservation modifications have been finalized.

b. Icelandair will send a confirmation of the new flight itinerary to all available emails in the flight reservation.

6. Travel Credit Voucher

a. The Travel Credit Voucher referred to in these terms and conditions is subject to the terms and conditions of the Icelandair Travel Credit Voucher.

b. The Travel Credit Voucher is issued for every passenger occupying a seat in the flight reservation.

c. All Travel Credit Vouchers are sent to the email address of the accepting party. Icelandair considers the party who is accepting the offer on behalf of the whole traveling party to have consent of the whole traveling party to receive all Travel Credit Vouchers and distribute them as agreed within the traveling party.