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Iceland Flights and Hotel

From $638 - Just the basics to get your trip planning started!

Looking for just the essentials? This holiday package helps get the basics of flights and hotel sorted so you can plan your visit to Iceland the way you envision. After booking, explore a multitude of tours and services including FlyBus airport transfers, and day trips to Iceland's most popular destinations, from the Golden Circle, the Blue Lagoon, glacial and volcanic tours, horseback riding, and so much more!

The Iceland Flights and Hotel holiday package is available to book year-round, so what time of year will you visit the Land of Fire & Ice? Consider summer when the midnight sun lights up the night sky, or experience a more colourful illumination with the rippling northern lights in winter. Just a few ideas to help you get started as you book this popular Icelandair holiday package!

Innifalið í pakkanum

fráISK 638 Verð á mann m.v. 2 fullorðna
Ferðaskipuleggjandi með leyfi frá Ferðamálastofu